Fantastic Voyage | Typography [6]
1 Minion Pro
2 Quicksand
3 Dosis
4 Rubik
5 Adobe Garamond Pro
6 Baskerville Old Face
7 Futurist Fixed-width
8 Fine Style
9 Fira Sans
10 Goudy Bookletter 1911
11 Code Bold
12 Ogonek
13 Eligible
14 Source Code Pro
15 Cooper Hewitt
16 Tahoma
17 Caviar Dreams
18 Caviar Dreams [2]
I did some research on potential fonts to use in for the headings and intertitles, in my animation.
From text used in books, I then tried to partner it to a second text (like you can see below, used by 'Quotes Magazine').
are you still working within a sort of 'text book'/scientific archive world? If so, the obvious choices for me are 5 and 14... They have that bureaucratic look we associated with official documents etc.