Fantastic Voyage | Concept Drawings to Maya [5]

In order to fully realise the visual concept of 'Fantastic Voyage', I've since made some more cleaner digital paintings to see how abouts I can actually translate my concepts into Maya.
Screenshots from my animatic were taken into Photoshop, where I'd used a colour palette from my concept drawings, to paint within a selected area. I'd then went over with an air brush to lessen the details, and any sudden changes in tonal range. 
Next, I discussed the idea of  'Blend Shapes' in Maya with Simon yesterday, as an option for my final animation.  I also looked into a 'Blend Colours' option, to help see if I could in some way translate that fluid, nature of my original concept drawing colours, into the digital environment of Maya. At the moment the shapes themselves are quite separate, so I can model them more easily. 
Here's some of the tests made: 


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