Fantastic Voyage | FX Sounds Initial Recordings [7]

While looking for something to produce the analogue sounds for my animation, I found an old slide projector up in the attic that still works. I've made some recordings of the function sounds, as well as notes on the visuals I could see face on- though I'd initially planned on having it like those educational video cassettes they used to play for oral exams- with the fuzz of static, and the clicking of buttons. This heavy silence I wish to then expand from into a rich soundscape for the 'world' of mitosis. Whether this means working directly from the original static sounds, or creating a new, second soundscape that takes a moment or two to transition to that 'world'.

00:00-00:15 [Hum Ver. 1]
00:15- 00:30 [Hum Ver. 2]
00:30-00:45 [Hum Ver. 3]
00:45-01:00 [Hum Ver. 4
01:00- 01:15 [Hum Ver. 5]
01:15-01:20 [Hum Ver. 6]
01:20-01:59 [Hum & Clicker|Remote Control]
01:59-02:30 [Hum & Clicker|Remote Control Ver. 2]
02:30-03:00 [Lens zooming in and out]
03:00-03:15 [Switch Ver. 1]
03:15-03:25 [Switch Ver. 1]
03:25-03:36 [Switch Ver. 1]
03:36-03:47 [Switch Ver. 1]
03:47-03:58 [Switch Ver. 1]
03:58-04:06 [Switch Ver. 1]
04:06-04:48 [Moving projector]
04:48-05:10 [Opening and closing metal clip]
05:10-06:10 [Putting in slides]
06:10-07:05 [Putting in slides Ver. 2]


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