CG Artist Toolkit- Animation: 'Life Drawing Animation' Part 1.

As mentioned in my previous life drawing post, this Friday's animating session has us animating the five 10 minute sketches of our model's progressing walk. 
I'll be working on this on 'Photoshop', and will -depending on the circumstances- either continue it that way or import into Adobe Animate, where I can arrange the images accordingly. 
'Original Life Drawing Images from 14th Session'
 The thing I found most useful was the sweeping, horizontal lines running through each moving section of the model's body.
Having it there allowed me to anchor specific parts (i.e. the head, the hips, the shoulders etc.), so that the 'in-betweens' will look smooth in it's transition from each key frame.
Another thing I'd tried to consider was the 'Slow in and Slow out' principle, where I was trying to spread the figures closer to the pause, prior to each key frame, so to replicate that slowing bit when the model has stopped and is planning to move to the next pose.
The basic 'Straight Ahead' sketches between the main 'Key Frames', have been laid out ready to be revised, (to ensure the movement is more natural), and then, once played through on Photoshop's Animate timeline, to be cleared up and finalized, ready for 'Export'.


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