CG Artist Toolkit- Animation: '4 Legged Walk Cycle'- [PART 1.]

For this animation we were asked to create a four-legged animal walk cycle, against a Christmas themed background. I'd started with painting the environment in Photoshop, and then drawing the cat in 'Adobe Animate', but it was around this time (when making the walk cycles) I started having trouble in the program. I found I had a definite lack of control digitally, and the program's brush marks were extremely limited. 

Incidentally, I asked Nat about an alternative method that could work better- one of which included scanning images (made using a light box), and taking them into Photoshop. 
In this scenario, since I don't have a light box, I re-drew the cat walk cycle traditionally (as seen below), and then scanned them in to Photoshop: 

This allowed me to quickly run a test walk without the scene in place:

Part 2, I'll re-work into the transitions and speed, to link the images together more smoothly. 
Then clear up, and finalize the separate drawings. And, finally, create a scene that better matches the overall feel of the cat drawings themselves, as they'd look a bit conspicuous against a digitally painted, and coloured, background.  


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