At this point of the project I was definitely tilting more towards Isaura for my final three digital paintings, but as a whole I've more concept drawings exploring Octavia visually, so that'll most likely be the better choice.

There's a page missing that won't come up after being submitted to Scribd. This is the image that I'll try to get up as soon as I can figure it out: 


  1. OGR 06/10/2016

    Hi Rachael,

    I suspect this bit of admin has been stressing you out - and it does seem as if your OGR is a bit disorganised - or rather you haven't put it together as I'd specified or no doubt as you'd wanted. Not a disaster obviously, but the reason we're specific about these things is really just so students know exactly what we want and why we want it. It's designed to be less stressful that way. I was hoping that you'd be telling me more about your cities and which decision you'd taken, but it seems as if both Isaura and Octavia are still in play. You've got some lovely expressive thumbnails for Octavia, but no influence maps, but you've got a collection of images for Isaura (I think!).

    I have an idea. Could you put together an OGR according to the original instructions, which organises your thoughts for me a bit more successfully. I think Scribd is mucking about with your text formatting and I can assume this because you didn't convert it into a PDF first? Actually, I'm wondering in what application you made your OGR? I've fed back on a few Octavia's already, so it might be useful anyway for you to take a look at that feedback because general principles apply and there'll be some interesting references too.

    I feel as if this OGR was put together under some stress - and it shows. How about you take the time you need to put things together more coherently - and when you've uploaded it, put an @Phil in the post title and I'll get straight to it :) By then, I want you to have chosen a city, so I'm only looking at your choice - not your indecision.

    Meanwhile - check out these Octavia OGRs.



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