Fantastic Voyage | Concept Drawings Developed [2]

Upon getting my feedback from the OGR, I've expanded and changed a few things in my referencing and work flow, and chosen inspiration.
To stay with the 'microscope' typical birds eye view, I tried predominately to draw landscapes that mirror this way of viewing, using Mark Crilley's work as reference. 
With more aspects of cosmicity, and "thinking of ourselves on a molecular level", I looked at images take from both a cellular and space content, where we have troubles recording said subject with our current technology.

That grain/blur and numbing imagery from observing satellites, taking images of things hundreds of thousands of light years apart.... The idea of the unknown, and need to explore and think about these things... may be something I consider using.

Neil Gaiman's 'The Sandman:Overture' illustrations show this spatial imagery in relation to something more organic. Inks, watercolours and dribs and drabs of paint all converge to achieve this look.
I experimented with acrylic and watercolour paint (even digital at some points), but in regards to the project, the mediums have been swaying a tad, more towards ink (singular colours, and overlapping light... like glass almost).

Here's the results:


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